Your ultimate vitiligo resource
Please note that the VSSA does not provide online consultations or specific advice about your vitiligo. For this, you would need to see your dermatologist or GP
My Experience with Needling
Letter written by Thobelani Mncube for VSSA on 4 June 2012
My name is Thobelani Mncube, I live in Pietermaritzburg and I’m 16 years old. I’m about to tell you my experience (Vitiligo).
Vitiligo started between my lower and upper lips. In 2010 it was just a small patch no one noticed and I did not notice it too. When it was getting bigger my parents noticed it was expanding. That when I started to see a family doctor at Medi Clinic Hospital, he gave me some creams to apply on the patch for three weeks then the doctor noticed that there were no changes, he referred me to a Dermatologist. He then advised me to take treatments once a week he promised me that it will be healed, he recommended that this treatment will work for me, we did agree with my parents to start the treatment. Then I started the treatment in November 2011. As you can see on the photos there is a very good improvement, but I’m still on the treatment.
Before taking this treatment I was so embarrassed because children were laughing and calling me names, even the neighbours children, but now I’m so excited, glad and free.
I thank my family doctor who referred me to my dermatologist. I do advise anyone with the same problem I had, must feel free to see a dermatologist.
Thank you very very much Dr.