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1) The Vitiligo Society of South Africa- society is a subgroup of the Dermatology  Society of South Africa(DSSA)





2) Organisation which offers support and understanding to vitiligo patients and their  families, including psychological problems with living with this disfiguring condition.


3)  increase awareness and concern with vitiligo patients with the general public and medical communities- promote positive approach to living with vitiligo


4)  provides funds for research projects and attendances at conferences (with help of companies) aimed at 


a)  establishing the cause of vitiligo


b)  finding safe and efficient results for vitiligo


5) Society also –


a)  campaigns for better understanding among medical professionals and general   public


b) gathers and distributes information about the condition


c) offers advise on how to cope with the condition





6) The business of the society shall be conducted by a committee consisting of a President, a President Elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a News Editor, a Trainee, a Trainee Representative and no more than two other elected members. All the members of the Committee shall be elected in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraphs and shall serve for the terms of office.


7) The President shall serve as President Elect for a term of office and not exceeding two years prior to serving as President for a term not exceeding two years. Thereafter the President shall not be eligible for immediate re-elected after one year from the end of his/her term of office.


8) The Secretary shall serve as Secretary for a term of office not exceeding two years and shall be eligible for re-election at the end of that term. The Secretary may be elected as Treasurer to hold that office at the same time as the office of Secretary save that after the term of office as Secretary has ended, the Secretary may continue as Treasurer to serve the full term as Treasurer.


 9) All other members of the Committee shall serve for a term of not exceeding three years and shall be eligible for re-selection at the end of that term.


10) A member of Committee may retire at any time during his or her time of office by notice in writing to either the President or the Secretary.


11) The committee shall prepare the agenda for meetings of the society and between meetings and will act on behalf of the society. It will report any such actions at the next meeting of the society.


12) The President, secretary and treasurer of the committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.


13) Nominations may be made by the committee or by any two members and shall be sent together with the written consent of the nominee, to the secretary not less than two months before the Annual General Meeting. Such nominations shall be circulated with the notice of that meeting. Members unable to attend shall be entitled to vote by post. If other nominations are not received for the filling of the vacancies, the committee’s nominees shall be deemed elected.


14) Any vacancies occurring on the committee other than the retirement may be filled by a member to be co-opted by the committee. The committee may co-opt other members as it sees fit.





15) The membership is available to anyone interested in vitiligo, vitiligo sufferers, upon application to and approved by the society and the committee.


16) Membership of the society shall be in the following categories:


a) ordinary membership to any consultant on the specialist register of the HPCSA


b) trainee membership to any dermatology registrar or medical officer interested in vitiligo research or presentation.





17) Members(consultants)  shall pay an annual subscription of R200

      Registrars and medical officers interested in the vitiligo society to pay R100







18) Annual meeting of Society shall be held at a place and time decided by the Committee. The Secretary shall circulate the agenda to all members at least one month before meeting.


19) Scientific meeting relating to objects of the Society shall be arranged by the Executive Committee and meetings shall be regarded as private.


20) Members wishing to present communications to the scientific meeting, shall submit abstracts to Committee.


21) Fund Raising - vitiligo society will function as NON-PROFIT organisation and will use funds to benefit vitiligo suffers and families.





22) Any alteration to this constitution shall receive the accent of not less than two thirds of the membership of the society who are present and are voting or whose representative is present and is voting at the annual general meeting or a special general meeting PROVIDED THAT notice of any such alteration shall have been received by the secretary in writing not less than 21 days before the meeting at which the alteration is to be proposed.


23) Members who are not present at the aforementioned meeting may nominate the secretary or  other member as their representative by completion and signature of a proxy voting form indicating their voting intentions and the name of the nominated representative, which must be produced at the meeting. At least 14 days notice in writing of such a meeting, setting forth the terms of the alteration, shall be sent by the general secretary to each member of the society together with proxy voting forms.


24) If the committee by a simple majority decide at any time that on the ground of expense or otherwise it is necessary to dissolve the society, it shall call a meeting of all the members of the society who have the power to vote, of which meeting not less than 21 days notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed there at) shall be given. 


25) If such decision shall be confirmed by a (two thirds) majority of those present and voting at such meeting the committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by or on behalf of the society. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institutions having objects similar to the objects of the society as the Committee may determine and if an in so far as effect cannot be given to this provision the to some other charitable purpose.



President:  N Raboobee

Secretary:  A Gordhan

Treasurer:  F Sacoor

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